Purchase Wellington electricity to bring it back into public Ownership. In the 1990’s Wellington Electricity known then as Capital Power and Energy Direct were sold into private ownership. Well now its time to bring the power line back into public ownership.

Put a home subsidy scheme for renewable energy for the domestic household including Solar Panels, Solar Hot Water Systems, Wind Turbines

Turn Wellington Water Reticulation Network into a mini power generation grid. Greater Wellington has over 130 Water Reservoirs across the 4 councils with load of gravity feed from reservoir to the household
With Wellington Goal of getting to a 100% electric public transport fleet, the push for more electric cars in the home, we need to put the measures in place that we have the ability to supply the Electricity to these users without putting more strain on the national grid, requiring surge demand, having no renewable backup means turning on. Bringing Wellington Electricity back under the public umbrella, user will benefit from having public control of the asset rather than having its profits going overseas. Also it makes it easier to offer residents schemes to convert their roof into energy making sources and also look at alternative methods like solar hot water systems which reduce the need to use Electricity to heat up hot water. With our focus long term going electric we need to find ways to create more electricity as well as do what can be done without Electricity in order to reduce the load on the overall grid, resulting in less need to use non-renewable energy.

The renewable energy scheme would be available for all residential households in Greater Wellington at the rate of $15,000 payable over 15 years through a targeted rate attached to property. Also have a $30,000 scheme specially for rural properties like dairy farms where their energy usage is a lot higher than most residential power users

With water main pipe renewal, as they need to be replaced, is to replace it up water turbines so we can make better use of a water resource with Electricity Generation. This will provide renewable energy for the future growth of Wellington Electricity needs

Purchase the Lines company using 20% Equity from GW existing Assets with the 80% purchase to be done over bond issues at 6% interest over 20 years, we would be sourcing that from private investors, kiwisaver funds, ACC and the NZ Superfund. With a return we aim to provide power bill credits, similar to what Electra Trust does on the Kapiti Coast/Horowhenua using a similar payout model.
How the renewable Energy Scheme works
How it works is we start off with a $50 Million Budget per year, with the aim for Recycling the capital over that period of time
My Aim is to have 4,400 households and 100 farms signing up to the scheme every year for 10 years
There are 3 plans for domestic households
- $5000 plan for $12 per week over 15 years – aim for 2400 houses per year
- $10,000 plan for $24 per week over 15 years – aim for 2000 houses per year
- $15,000 plan for $36 per week over 15 years – aim for 1000 houses per year
For Farm is
- $30,000 plan for $72 per week over 15 years – aim for 100 per year
This will be available to all Greater Wellington Regional Council ratepayer, not just Wellington